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Angela Chung

Speech Language Pathologist


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Founder and clinical director of Speak Fluent Inc., Angela is a passionate speech-language pathologist and communication coach for professionals, striving to provide purposeful and individualized training services. Since graduating with a Masters of Speech Language Pathology (MScSLP) from the University of Alberta, she now lives and works in the diverse city of Toronto. Angela served as a board member of CORSPAN (The Corporate Speech Pathology Network), where she spent time advocating for the benefits of communication services for working professionals, as well as improving the quality of corporate speech services in the field of speech-language pathology in North America.

Angela finds the most fulfillment in providing speech services for adults looking to find their own unique and confident speaking style, specifically for those working in diverse teams where cross-cultural communication is the norm. Linguistic background can unexpectedly influence articulation, resonance, volume, and intonation. She has helped numerous working professionals become more confident in their speaking skills, addressing unique goals for each person. Growing up and living in the diverse cities of Vancouver and Toronto, she has worked with many skilled professionals who have benefited from personalized communication training to improve their relationships and involvement in their work and social life.

Angela is a registered speech-language pathologist in Ontario, BC, and Alberta.